Next Critical Care Pharmacist Forum meeting

TBC 13:30 - 15:30, Virtual Meeting   Meetings are held quarterly.   ​The Forum has been established to provide a place for members of the pharmacy profession working in critical care within the tri-network region to meet and discuss service improvement for the delivery of care to critically ill patients.  The meeting also support the sharing of best practice and development of guidelines and protocols.  The Forum workplan consists of workstreams relating to emergency preparedness, band 7 training pack development, peer review, training, education and validation of roles and duties in line with the D05 Service Specifiction & GPICS. The Chair of the group is Jane Lewis, Critical Care Pharmacist, Royal Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust.   Network link is Sarah Graham,

Group WhatsApp and Sharepoint 

The Pharmacy Forum use WhatsApp as a way of sharing & communicating about possible drug stock shortages, training events etc and general (non-patient related) queries.  If you are a Critical Care Pharmacist in this network  and would like to join the group please contact   

SharePoint is also used as a secure site for information sharing about particular guidelines, Trust services and work plan work-streams.  Only members of the Forum are allowed access to this site.

Critical Care Pharmacist Band 7 Training Pack & Training Log

Article Link:

Emergency Preparedness - Emergency Stock Core List 

The list has been developed by the forum and can be used in an emergency situation/major incident for use when requesting drugs and can be adapted for your trust/unit.

Band 7 Training Pack Feedback Questionnaire. If you have used the pack, please provide us with some feedback. Click on the link:

Useful Links

Guidelines for the Provision of Intensive Care Services V2


Critical Care Competency Framework document via the Competency Development & Evaluation Group (CoDEG)


RPS Advanced Pharmacy Framework Link:

Rarely Used and Urgent Medicines


​KIDS Drugs Calculator 


Peer review of pharmacy services to critical care

The quality standards have been developed to support the critical care pharmacists in ensuring a high quality of care across the Networks that form the Midlands Critical Care Networks.  For a copy of the peer review matrix please contact the network office. ​

Sharing Excellence

ITU Lecture for Pharmacists Presentation - Practical Paediatrics