
Management of Burn Injury Study Days

A number of burn care study days are hosted by the MB ODN services for

  • Emergency Department Minor Injury Units / Walk In Centre / Emergency Service staff

..hosted by Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester and Coventry services

Management of Burn Injury SD Programme Example

  • Paediatric Burns Study day

 ..hosted by Birmingham Childrens Hospital

Paediatric Burns SD Programme Example

  • Management of Burn Injury SD for Community staff

 All of the above Study Days are FREE to attend                                                       

Midlands Burn Care Network

Study Day Presentation Handouts
A copy of Study Day Presentation handouts are available to those who attend the study days, a contact name to request these from will be given on the day.

Wound International Article: International Best Practice Guidelines

Best practice guidelines: Effective skin and wound management in non-complex burns. Wounds International. May 2014