The Burn Care services in the Midland Burn Operational Delivery Network collect data in a number of ways:
1) The International Burn Injury Database (iBID) -
2) Quality Dashboards - specialised services
Adult and Paediatric Specialised Burn Care: Specialised Service Quality Dashboard.
In 2012/13, the NHS Commissioning Board (now NHS England) approved the creation of a Quality Dashboard pilot programme to provide additional ‘real-time' information on outcomes for specialised services and assurance on the quality of that care.
A list of the measures for each Quality Dashboard has been agreed forming a Databook.
The burn services report the results data on a quarterly basis and this is presented at the Network Clinical Audit and Governance Meeting. Each Hospital Trust and Specialised Commissioning Team also receive this information.
3) Audit Data
The Network hosts a quarterly Clinical Audit and Governance Meeting with attendance of the multi-disciplinary team from the burn care services.
Audit data results of:
Burn care service compliance with Network Guidelines, for example Analgesia and Nutrition guidelines
Emergency Department services compliance with appropriate assessment and referral for burn injured patents
Audit Reports
Appropriate data and audit result reports will be published on this page.
Midlands Burn Care Network